1. To what size group will the speech be delivered? Large (100+ people), Medium (50 to 100 people), Small (25 to 50 people), Intimate (1 to 25 people) 300+ 2. The speech will be delivered to a group made up of mostly? (Family, Friends, Colleagues, Business Associates, Employees, Clients, Media, Invited Guests, Crowd, Specific Ethnic Group, Children, Congregation, Teenagers, or other) Congregation parishioners 3. Where will the event be held? Church 4. What kind of speech do you want? (Funny,Sentimental Heartwarming, Informative, Informative, Poetic, Serious, Dramatic, Story telling, Professional presentation, Combination of one or more styles) Heartwarming, sentimental and appreciative + story telling 5. Is there a key person(s) to whom the speech will be given? Tell us their name(s) and a little about his/her personality. I will talk about my husband first ordained married priest by permission from Pope proof of his strong personality very determined if he sets his mind on something it has to happen because he takes his time to make a well thought out decision proof is milestones and changes that he made in this church building shrine new church having people from all over visiting our church his care for family passion for our faith and for well being of our children… he finds strength in every person and give them an opportunity to build and be part of the life of the parish he is a very compassionate dad a great husband a man with many hats lots of integrity might come across harsh and blunt just to get the truth his point across 6. Please share information about events or memories you have together that you would like mentioned in the speech. So many things great memories come to mind his the so not romantic ways of expressing things even when he tries anniversary, I want to take a moment to reflect on the memories we've shared together. each memory holds a special place in my heart… big contrast between us like he is so meticulous about time I’m so laid back drive him crazy balance thing between us .. 7. What do you want your audience to think or feel as a result of experiencing your presentation? He is great achievements to build church and dedication to his vocation and to God 8. Is there an action that you would like your audience to take as a result of experiencing your presentation? Just thank them for their support throughout all these years being there for him as a priest and for us as a family 9. What is your deadline for delivering the speech? Feb 27 10. Finally, please provide your speechwriter with any additional information you would like to have included in your speech. Include all information you feel is essential to your speech. Congratulate my husband in a nice introductory way Thank every single person who made this day possible from parish council finance committee amazing ladies guild and their president Marie teachers of catechism deacon Collin who is wheats by Abouna’s side altar servers choir and a big thank you to bishop Zaidan for his support being with us throughout this journey and Father Sleiman sponsor for Abouna Finally all parishioners who help him every step of the way in his vocation