Hi my name is Michael Dorosz. I am 28 years old and I am going to be the best man at my brother's wedding. My brother's name is Kyle Dorosz (24 years old) and his fiance's name is Brea (24 years old). Kyle is the baby in our family, we have an older sister, Brittany, who got married 2 years ago, she is also standing up in the wedding. Brea is the baby in her family too; she has 3 older siblings. Kyle and Brea are the 'cool couple'! They are young and successful and have live fun and exciting lives. Kyle flys drones for a living for the movie/production industry. He turned a hobby of flying remote control airplanes and toys into a successful company, Aerial Imagery Works. He also has his pilots license and we love to go flying. Brea is one of the lead dancers in The Lord of The Dance, an international dance tour that travels the world. She has toured for the past several years and is now done traveling. She is one of the top irish dancers in the world. Kyle would go visit Brea across the world when she was on tour. Brea is Kyle's right hand women at Aerial Imagery Works. They work and play together and constantly motivate and support each other interests/hobbies and businesses. About kyle: Kyle is the most generous, selfless person I know. He is one of the very few people in this world that i can rely and trust 1000%. Always willing to help me with anything i have going on. I can count on him and I hope he knows I would do anything for him as well. Kyle knows i hate sprinklers, so he came over to fix all of mine, i didnt ask him to, he just did. Kyle knows i miss driving in a sports car, so he throws me the keys to his mustang when he leaves town or when we drive somewhwere together. I want to be more like kyle. The world needs more kyles. He is talented in everyting he does from building remote control skateboards to lighting things on fire. kyle constantly impresses me and even though im the older brother, i look up to kyle more than he will ever know and strive to be more like him. he is smart in his business and so giving. He's impressive in so many ways. About me and Kyle: As young brothers we bickered like most do but as we grew up we became best friends. kyle is my best friend. we have been through so much together. including family, relationships and business. Kyle has seen me at my best and at my worst and he's always been there for me. Back in the day kyle worked for me cutting grass, he hated it and im sorry for working you and the other guys so hard lol it has been so gratifying being able to see you start and build your own business into what it is today. Kyle and I ALWAYS have new business ideas - Oakland Screen Priting, Hookah Pen Hookup, Slush Machine Rental, Property Pilot the list goes on and on. Some failed some succeded, but it was always fun and still is dreaming up these interesting ideas with you. Kyle will come to me for adive in business and I go to him as well and we bounce ideas off of each other. I love bringing kyle around my friends because I am proud of kyle and like to show him off, he is my brother. Kyle and I go flying together, almost died downhill biking at Boyne, have gone racing in the mustang, which scares our mom to death. Ive had the opportunity to travel with Kyle across the country and tag along and help on many of this work gigs. buying go-karts, flipping golf-karts, having close calls, blowing things up, building jumps in the driveway and just doing cool shit together because we can. Kyle and Brea: These 2 people are perfect for each other. Fun, full of energy, happy, motivated, supportive of each other. When i think of a perfect couple, a model couple, i think of Kyle and Brea. I want what Kyle and Brea have. It is obvious they are each others best friend and I know that friendship can never be broken. Kyle survived those long months that Brea was away on tour, but I know it was tough for him but he supported Brea and her love for dancing. ----------- This is all background information. I honestly am not sure what kind of information goes into a best man speech, but I want to convey the message that my brother is so giving and that kyle and brea are perfect for each other. I want them to know that I am always here for them and very happy for them. Please let me know what other info i should provide to make this speech perfect. You are the expert and I want to rely on your opion. So let me know what else you need from me whether it be experiences, memories, more background, more on brea, more on kyle, our family etc..... Toast: May your neighbors respect you Trouble neglect you Angels protect you And heaven accept you Thank you!