moments of teja with me and my family: ======================= TEJA: She is an ausom girl. Her journey so far with me and my wife ... has been amazing. We have lot of tense movements with her but in every ternse movement we came out with more and more positive and stronger. --- 1ST YEAR OF OUR MARRIED LIFE: She was born in the first year of our married life. I got married very young and I think me and my wife were very innocent and don't know how to live but had a little dream of working hard and getting ends meet and live on our own without depending on anyone. I migrated to hyderabad from a village 400 miles and got my first job after 2-3 months of effort. It was Rs400/- p/m, which is less than 10 bucks per month. And my wife also got Rs. 250/- per month job which was also less than 10$ month soon after she completed her Bachelor's degree in Education and Bachelor's degree in Mathematics. 3-4 months after we got we realised that my wife pregnant.. we don't know even what to do or what to feel...because we hardly started our earnings living in a small room 8/10 ft room it was our first home and started giving tuations.. teaching small kids at home and charging 10 Rs/- 12/- per kid per month which 12 cents per month per a kind for tutoring. We were in tense and me and wife ran around to see a lady doctor and the doctors advised us not to give up the pregnecy. But I think I should admit that by that time even before we went to a doctor we already used some medicines to get rid of the pregnency but It didn't work... I think that may be the Teja's first battler in her life. Finally we welcomed her into this world very early in our married life. -- SHE GOT seizure: When Teja was 3 years, one evening around 6 pm...I just reached home from my work and saw that my wife was holding Teja got high fever and some kind of seazer and I was shocked and trying to open her fingers but she was like prozen very strong and grinding her teach very slowly but tighly. We rushed to a nearby nursing home and after an hour or two she came to normalcy slowly. Wow! That was a very tense movement. But she never fell sick seriously again after that as far as I remember. -- We ALMOST MISSED/LOST THIS GOLDEN BABY One day: when me and my wife travelling from my village to the city Hyderabad along with this little girl, we were travelling on a Govt Public Transport Bus and that Bus was keep stopping in every small busterminals on the way. When it stopped in one terminal, we got down and walked to near by toilets. Teja returned earler than my wife .. she was around 6 years old, I came back to my seat my wife was sitting along thinking Teja was with me but she was not. I was shocked and started running... getting into every bus stopped in the same same row and at the same time some of the buses were leaving the platfor and some of the new business are coming.. I don't know where to see.. it was terrrible.. all the buses looks same and they are standing side by side...I felt she must have gotten into some wrong bus and what if that bus left the terminal already ... Oh gosh! it was a ... I kept running one by one bus getting in and coming out without clue after 2-3 buses I found her ... she was quitely sitting in the same seat in the same row in different bus.. wow! I took her down and those few seconds were a long sockking moments.... --- SHE WAS A BRIGHT KID WITH A VERY GOOD MEMORY POWER: Since she was 3, she used to tell me the telephone numbers of all my contact and I never needed to look into my scripling pad or address book.. instead simply I used to her the number when I need to call someone on my land line, she used to tell me the phone number correctly without looking any where instantly. She was a little computer. I remember when any of my frineds visiting my house...I used to put a huge books of Indira Gandhi speaches or Jawaharlal Nehru Speaches in font of them challenge them to ask the spelling of any 10 words from those books and challenge them she would tell at least 8 words correctly. I was feeling so happy when she was telling all the words correctly the spellings. -- I BET HER ONLY ONCE IN MY LIFE: As I said my life was very tough those days.. one weekend day when .. we were walking to a bus terminal to catch a bus to to go to my sister's house in the same city.. she started crying and cring and crying saying she didn't like that dress she wore. I felt I cann't affort to waste her time like that ... what if she continuies every day like that she will be wasting her time a lot instead of learing some thing. I took her back to my home and bet her like black and white with some broome-sticks and when she was crying ... it was shameful on my part to tell you the truth .. but I was a different man going throug very tough time but a strong determination... to make our future better. I took her into bath room and put some chilli power in to my nose.. again bet her with the broomesticks asking to laugh and laugh and finally she laughed.. no one can understand the reason behind my cruel and barbaric actions that day.. I felt that I can not aford to let her waste HER TIME LIKE CRYING AS I WAS AIMING VERY HIGH FOR HER FUTURE...I WANT TO STOP HER WASTING TIME LIKE THAT fact that worked ... SHE NEVER EVER AGAIN CRIED. Ofcourse I feel shame for the action that I took that day now and I wouldn't tolorate any doing the same to their kids. -- SHE IS A DEAL MAKER --- WHEN when I was taking her forcefully from my Inlaws home.. she was keep on crying and after going to 2-3 miles distance.. I think she understook that she is leaving any way and said Dad I will come with you without crying if you take me back once and leave me there for a minute and I come with you without crying .. then I was shocked what? this little kid is tring to make a deal !!! I coldn't believe it but my gut feeling was ..I wan to see I took her back and she started laughing and went round for a minute or two with all those people in my InLaws house and came out and ASKING ME LET'S GO THEN IT WAS WARED AND SHOCKED.. BUT FELT PROUD THAT THAT LITTLE GIRT MADE DEAL AND STOOD ON HER WORD. -- WHEN SHE WANTS SOME THING SHE WANT TO GET IT NO MATTER WHAT.. WHEN SHE DOESN'T LIKE SOME THING SHE DOESN'T I was always telling her since she was a small kid.. she should study well and become a doctor and do service to the poor ... especially in my village without asking any money and living on whatever they give and saying they treat a doctor .. the village poor a doctor like a god and it was auspicious and great way of getting a meaningful like .. it was my dream but after coming over here I became a Senior Software Engineer and a Teachnical Lead and got a very good grip in the software field and made big money.. when the time came to me to decide whether I want to send her to India to start medical education, I though differently and felt that it may not be a good idea to make her a doctor.... I showed her a comparision between taking up a software job and becoming a doctor and start earning.. my comparision sheet was like a) she can pick software job with my help rightaway and start earning 60K and soon in 2-3 years she can get into a lead position making big money and b) she can go and study medicine for another 8/9 years and start earning. But by the time she starts earning as a doctor...she can save at least 1/5 million to 1 million as a software engg. because becoming a doctor takes lot of time. Finally I tried to convince her and turn her mind on to software but after listening quitely all my lecture and all the comps and everything... when I asked what you want to do..she simply and strongly said: NOPE! I want to become a doctor. AND HERE SHE IS NOW AND I FEEL PROD THAT SHE ACHIEVED WHAT WANTED AND NEVER took her mind of on once she decided. SHE WAS AN EXCELLENT CAMARAMAN: She was my family camaraman... Wherever we go she was hold our Camera and the Camcorder and taking videos and pics. After coming home we can only see our heads or feets not the whole picture.. SHE WAS BRILLIANT: Once we were driving from Auston to Huston .. she and yeshu spilled over a coke tin in the back seat and they were afraid it seems and they were hiding by sitting on it covering it.. I feel proud of her since very beginning .. of her bringhtnesss .. smartness..then and now and I am sure in the future too. And I feel luck having her as my daughter for many things and I love her than any thing in this world and its a fact and every one in my family and friends know about that and its true fact. I do anything for her if she asks and I do feel understands me and trust my true feeligns and aspirations of doing something good to this society and my sacrifices for a greater good. about Brian and his family: I was hiding her new found love with Brian it seems for a year or two ... one day she when I visited her after a long gap due to some family issues..she told me the truth very important one ... that she wants to marry Brian, whom I don't have any Idea. We went through some kind of struggle to make up our minds as me and my wife came from a different world .. and finally we felt we shold support her (in fact we didn't have an option because she is a ... ) and asked her we want to meet Brian's parents and after I met with his sweet mom and dad and his other family members altogether at one place when they were in a vacation in Florida, the very first movement I met them I realised their's was a wonderful family and came out so relaxed and happy and told her that day that the whole family of Brian especial his mom and dad were so wonderful and sweet. And I told her that I want to with Brin and he flew to Phoenix from Suixfalls.. me and Teja flew to Phoenix ... and three of us went for a little vacation to nearby place Sedona.. stayed there one night and had spend some good time with him and flet happy the way he was taking care of my daughter.. I thought of making their wedding in India but due to Pandamic I save all of your time and here we are celebraing the wedding. I shold also mention here about my friends, who played a great role in my life... when I was struggling to make a decision to Teja go for medicine or push her to Software, it was a great struggle... One of my frined Sanjay and another friend Kalan told me that let her do what she wants and don't force her. And in another time when I went back to India and contested as a Member of Parliament from a major Party in India challenge a sitting MP and the Minister of Defence in 2009, I lost narrowly but I was a great achivement for a guy like in India. Eevery one telling around me and I also know that I would win easy next time and can become a minister, but I didn't get my Green Card and in order to comeple the the process of getting the Green Card for my entire family I needed to come back and continue working.. that time I was struggling whether I forget about the Green Card and continue in Politics or give that and continue working here to make sure I get Green Card and for my family. Many of my close frineds especially Pavan Darisi was telling one thing Family First and your own aspirations next. I think I feel that was a good decision I made and continued working here and got the Greencard and my kids made use of them for their better future. AND FINALLY ME AND TEJA ARE GOOD FRIENDS: I treated her and raised like an elderly son of my family facat.. I was holding her like a small baby and carrying her every where in my hand until I was recently got heart operation. One day when I was visiting to her medical college after a long gap... she ran and got in to my _______ like a little kid and took her into my hand and holding her like a small baby and everyone around there her friends laughing and we were and we are very alway sgood friends, I can't find any perfect word in any langage describe our friendship. She is an amazing, pretty, warm, wonderful, pleasant, positive, appreciative, cool, talented, strong, classic, fine, dandy, extraordinary, incredible, astonishingly cherish-able, celestial, fascinating, fabulous, enticing, gracious, galvanic, sterling, marvelous, exceptionally too dam good heavenly person in my life. (sorry if I didn’t leave any words for poor Brian to praise you or appreciate you Teja..:) ) Wishing you from the bottom of my heart, a Very Very Happy married life Tejammaa...She is the star of the day and star of my life...and I do belive and trust her that